May is almost over and I have finished the Month of May for the 12 months of the year at Digital Scrapbooking.com. To our surprise we had a little finch make a nest on our front door. They have done this before but keep coming back. This year there was one little egg that hatched. Everytime the front door was opened the mother bird flew away. I only saw the baby bird open its mouth once for food. The rest of the time it just layed there, I guess sleeping. I thought maybe it wasn't healthly. Then on Mother's Day it was gone from the nest. It did have some nice feathers so it must have been healthly enough to fly away.
Moroni was heaved to it resting place on top of the Gilbert Arizona Temple. It was an exciting day for everyone to see this happen.
I went to Show Low for 4 days to quilt with some Cactus Patchers friends. It was nice and cool. I got a lot done. Boy was the Stitchers Garden Quilt hard to put together with all the little borders and sashing it had. I finally came home and redid quite abit to get everything to fix.
Mother's day was nice and spent at my brother's home with his children and grandchildren. All the little ones are getting so big and I am getting so old.