Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mary Kay Cosmetics

I took the plunge and became a Mary Kay consultant. This is going to be a tuff thing for me to do. I really do like the products and have been using them for a long time. In fact my mother used to sell Mary Kay back in the late 1960s. She had me using the products. Mary Kay started in 1963. After I quit teaching school and was still living in California, mother came out from Bisbee and I took her to a Mary Kay seminar in Los Angeles. I remember driving her up a mountain to a plush resort in LA. I remember winning a prize which was a rare happening for me.
Now I need some faces to practice on. If you feel you could stand a newbie working on your face and telling you all about Mary Kay, I would appreciate a call. You wouldn't have to buy anything, just let me practice. Give me a call.