Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My First Commission

I received my first embroidery machine and I am having so much fun. Expensive? Yes, but to me worth it. So to help (a very small help) I received my first commission to embroider some towels for a primary CTR baptism. I'm taking classes and learning this new machine and really enjoying it. Here are some pictures of the embroidery and finished towel.
I thought the little saying that goes with the towel was good.
My Baptism Towel
This towel is to help remind you
Of your baptism day all the years through
When you come out of the water all clean and pure.
Dry off with this towel and you can be sure...
You are as clean as this towel is white.
And the Holy Ghost can be with you both day and night.
For the Holy Ghost is a gift after the laying on of hands.
Your comfort and your guide when obeying God's commands.
The CTR emblem will help remind you always to be strong
As you continue growing and learning right from wrong.
When your towel becomes soiled, remember that we, too.
sometimes make mistakes, but you'll know just what to do.
Just as you wash your towel so it may again be clean.
The wrongs you make can be forgiven, never again to be seen.
Your Heavenly Father loves you, remember always to pray.
And He will be beside you for forever and a day.


Monica said...

That is so cool Janice they look great.

Stephanie said...

That is so fun. I would be embroidering everything! That is a neat towel and poem.