Thursday, January 22, 2009

Classes I'm Taking

In my Jenny Haskins class, we embroidered a fancy pillow. I think mine turned out so nice. It looks so delicate. It will go in the living room and hopefully the dogs won't lay on it. I am enjoying these classes and signed up for another Jenny Haskins class where we will be making a table runner. Plus, I'm taking some sewing and embroidery classes at Sallys.
I've started a 12-week course of US Research at the Mesa Regional Family History Center by the temple. I've had two classes so far. They are every Tuesday afternoon.
I'm doing some online Block of the Months quilts. They are small. One is Noah's Arh and the other is Red Delicious. I will show them as I finish a block each month. I'm keeping myself busy. I feel so good.
Doctor Visit
I saw the doctor today and he said I'll take a blood test in three months to see how high the globinthyroid level is to determine what the next step is for my thyroid cancer. If the level is not one or two, I'll be going through the same horrible treatment I went through before. I'll be doing this until the levels get low.


Mary said...
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Mary said...

The pillow is gorgeous! Here is hoping and praying your level will be 1.

Jackie said...

WoW! Janice you are so good about tour spring cleaning! i would start my cleaning early, but we are moving to a place that has alot lower rent (becuase of extremely low income right now) and i will wait to clean until then. I hope your next blood test turns out the way it needs to so that you don't have to experience that terrible stuff again.

Jackie said...

Julie is always such a big helper! You are so lucky to have helping you :) Julie you are so sweet tou your mom!