Friday, January 23, 2009

House Cleaning

I've decided to start spring cleaning early. With the start of a new year doesn't that seem appropriate? Julie has been such a big help. We started with the living room. Now the living room wasn't real dirty to begin with but there are several things I wanted to do. Firstly, I made the drapes last year but didn't get them to hang just right. They kinda flared out at the bottom. So I did what the sewing book said to do and pleated them using sandwich paper I got from Fry's delicatessen area. That paper works great for quilting designs and anything that needs tracing.
I got a couple of inchs high amount for $2.00. Its quite large also.
We also washed the inside of the windows. The cleaning lady wants to charge $100.00 to do the inside and outside windows. Wow, I know she needs income but right now I do to. I'll do it myself. We cleaned the carpet and dusted everything real good. Julie even cleaned out the curio. It was pretty dusty.
Next we'll tackle the kitchen.


Liz said...

I'm doing the same thing over at my house. Its amazing how much maitenance around the house can build up. I just tackled our amazingly cluttered garage.
Also I've gone private and would love to invite you, email me your address at

Yvette said...

Good for you guys! I've been trying to do the same thing at my house also. It's a never ending process. Dont ya think? Thanks for all of the kind things you said about me on my blog. I appreciate it